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Cameron Elementary's ELAC Committee


Cameron Elementary has an ELAC committee that is made up of Cameron Administration, our EL Coordinator, our EL para-educator, and Cameron parents. 

Our ELAC committee meets 4 times a year to go over school budgets, review the safety plan, discuss the ELPAC assessment, and get input from our Cameron parents to see how we can support our EL students. 

  • Our first ELAC meeting was held on September 13, 2021.
    • We went over the roles and responsibilities of our ELAC.
    • We selected a DELAC representative (which represents Cameron at the District meeting)
    • Discussed the importance of attendance
    • Gathered input from the committee on our School Plan, including how we spend our EL LCAP funding
  • The second ELAC meeting was held on January 11, 2022.
    • We met to discuss in more detail how best to spend our EL LCAP money.
      • Team discussed the need for EL specific reading, writing, and listening materials
      • The team went over our data from the CAASPP and the iReady Diagnostics
      • Discussed the upcoming ELPAC assessment and who needs to take it
      • Reviewed our attendance for the entire year up to that point